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David Imber

David has over 20 years experience as a corporate affairs, government relations and communications professional with extensive experience helping clients successfully navigate policy and advocacy.


David has worked across all levels of Australian Government. He's also held leadership and strategy roles in the NGO sector, in corporate affairs at a top 10 ASX company. His consulting practice has seen him work broadly across sectors including with membership organisations, as well as corporate and Government clients.


David's speciality is helping organisations enhance their reputation and manage issues through creating, refining and implementing communications strategies. He has advised on some of Australia’s most complex policy issues helping communicate and engage on issues from climate change to transport, disability to First Nations property rights, as well as legal campaigns for equality.


He has achieved success for corporate entities and membership organisations through media and public relations, opinion research, media training and government relations. David ensures critical issues are framed to benefit his client and presented with comprehensive media, community and government affairs strategies. He gets results by finding the win- win solution that positions his clients on the side of their stakeholders, and by communicating their critical organisational, project and policy issues clearly and persuasively.

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